I have a used, but never apart, never rebuilt, KA100 that has been a back up motor. It has about 8 hours on it or likely less. I am considering having it freshened up (top end) and making it race ready. I am also considering selling it as is. SO, what is the value of the motor in either state?
Used but never apart?
Used but freshly rebuilt?
Rebuilt once and used for a season (12 hoursish) and would need a rebuild?
Retail New - $3000 ish for complete package
Instant it’s mounted on YOUR kart - $2500 complete
With 2 hrs - $2000 engine only
With 5 hrs. - $1800 engine only
With >5 hrs. - $1500 engine only
Rebuild cost - ~$600-800
I think that depreciation may be a little aggressive IMO. KAs seem to be holding their value pretty decently. Another factor to throw into the mix is when the motor was originally manufactured. More recent motors will likely fetch more.
I think we put ~20 hours on a bottom end on one of ours in the last 2 seasons and it ran strong the whole time. 2x top end seal and piston replacements in that period.
I am curious why you state “engine only”? To my knowledge IAME does not sell the KA that way so why would someone not sell a motor complete unless there is some form of damage to the wiring or pipe. Using your estimates I would think a complete motor would add about $200 to each of the amounts of use.
because most people have more than 1 KA motor. They usually have 2-3 and rotate out the “worst” one. Which is funny when someone with multiple motors is selling 1. You have to know it’s their worst motor.
Yes, I’ve seen several ‘spare’ or backup motors only for sale. And the accessories are essentially a fixed cost once you own the motor. Further, some race it without the battery and harness setup, or a modified harness, to save weight. Im not sure how those people shut off, other than choking it. And its risky if you spin…
I’ve always been curious why I see people asking for serial number when motors are listed for sale and not piston size. I have a fairly old serial that is plenty competitive at national events. The way IAME manufacturers these parts it’s very hard for me to believe there’s some magic batch or serial number range out there.
You’re undercutting my plan to become the “Engine Sommelier” who lounges on a peaceful Italian balcony all day, just to decide which days the weather produced the perfect terroir for casting aluminum in the Bergamo factory.
I have an old ass T-serial KA that is better than any new motor I’ve run across so I think the serial thing is a bit silly from a performance standpoint as long as the motor is well kept. The only reasoning I could see to the newer serial is that you’d at least know there’s less time potentially on the cases and other components.
My opinion when buying used motors is that you’re buying the seller as much as the motor.
To answer your value question I think the used KA market is $1,800-$2,500 depending on hours, condition, and if motor or whole package.