Hi All!
What lambda values should I be aiming for at the end of a straight with a kz with a lcu1?
Would .93 to .97 sound about right? or should I go leaner 1.00 to 1.05?
Hi All!
What lambda values should I be aiming for at the end of a straight with a kz with a lcu1?
Would .93 to .97 sound about right? or should I go leaner 1.00 to 1.05?
I’m no engine builder so take it with a grain of salt, but the answer could vary depending on if you are looking for a safe number for practice or tuning for racing. If out for practice I think .85-.95 should make power and be safe, but I would keep track of what EGT you see at any lambda value.
If you’re trying to find kill mode for racing, I’d take incremental steps until you find limits you’re comfortable with based on how the piston looks and log AFR, EGT, and Water temps.
The fact you’re asking and not in a situation where a mechanic is doing this for you tells me you should play it safe and try to avoid melting down engines.
I’m in this camp and add fuel if I see 1.0 or 1200 EGT.
Hi Andres,
Sounds reasonable. I’ll be in the play it safe camp, but some good info on running.
The overall plan is to map the engine into my ntproject jetting software using the lambda/egt values as a base. If I have my engine running close to optimium I will be happy enough.