Stockholm Karting Center, MN 2019 Classes and Schedule

Looks like my local track (Stockholm Karting Center) is moving to a harder compound in 2019. I approve this and I think many of the other racers will too.


SKC Racing Series is Proud to Announce our 2019 class structure.

Please note a couple of changes for 2019.

  • Briggs 206 sportsman class is now Briggs 206 Masters class with a minimum age of 45 years old.
  • World Formula Open class has changed it’s engine rules also. Engine must use stock sized piston, no over sized pistons allowed.

Also, for 2019 we will be switching the tire compound to the Bridgestone YLC. Which is a harder compound than the “B” which was used in 2018.

YLC tires will be required starting at the first race and moving forward in 2019. With it being a harder compound, we should give us more tire life than we were seeing in 2018.


10 posts were split to a new topic: Bridgestone Tire Compounds

Also: Open House on Saturday April 6th
