Driver fitness and training

That’s interesting. Can you cite any sources for this?

I don’t have any right now, this was just common saying to us when I played youth hockey. Give me about 30 minutes and I’ll report back with a little more research.

Yeah no worries. Just figured you would be best to pull something up. :brap:

It seems that there are no large, evidence based studies between mouth guard versus no mouth guard, I could find one article which has a secion on mouth pieces a general conclusion that no major studies have been done. Hockey had a difference that was not statistically significant, but the severity was significantly reduced. That article is also almost 6 years old now so the numbers may be different now. I’m finding pieces on custom versus OTC pieces though. It seems that custom made mouth guards cut the rate of concussions in half compared to regular versions according to this 2014 study. That would make me believe there’s a general difference between using a mouth guard or not as well, but no data has been gathered on that from what I’ve found.

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Trey was super awesome, and did a write up on Kartpulse! Thanks, @Trey_Shannon


I remember you telling me about this. I don’t have a death grip on the wheel, but I’d like to give it a try and see how it works.

Thanks for looking deeper interesting stuff nonetheless.

Awesome. Thanks @Trey_Shannon

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Mouth guards protect the teeth. They do not reduce the risk of concussion.

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I have a mouth piece, uses to do a little kick boxing, It cant hurt, will definatly give it a try