I'm Old and Haven't Raced In 22 years.... Am I crazy?

You absolutely can do it. I got back into Karting after 28 years. Used to race shifter karts now I do the LO206 in Florida. It is super popular and very affordable. Two thing I would recommend:
do a little cardio because it sure helps at end of the race and use a rib protector. I did the first couple races without either of the two and was gassed halfway through the race and ended up with a cracked rib. Started doing cardio and bought a Bengio rib protector now I’m good to go. Always remember to have fun it’s just Karting not the All Star race and some have to go to work the next day


You are not crazy! 42 is young! I’m 61 and haven’t raced since 1990, I raced 250 gearbox karts in the UK national championships. I am just about to get back into karting for fun and have been gifted a Rotax max that I will use just to get familiar with being on track again then decide what class to race.
With your mechanical background you will have an advantage right away. Can you do an arrive and drive a couple of times just to get the feel for it?
Good luck and have fun :+1:


Go for it. I’m just starting out at 62. All you need is the right mindset and a couple of brave pills to get you started


Oh, yeah. Aleve. Sunblock. Big dumb hat. One of them foldable chairs. Hydration supplements.

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Turned 80 on May 20th… And, yes, you are crazy :upside_down_face:


Just wanted to thank everyone for the words of encouragment!

I pulled the trigger and now have 2 Eagles with 206’s sitting in my shop. I need to sort though everything and scam some safety gear yet, but I hope to be on the track for some practice in a couple weeks.