Kart Fun Trophy Mariembourg 2023 Report

I am glad to hear this. The ebb and flow of all this can be maddening but I am glad for you. I’ll be trying to improve in the SC league so we can compare notes.

Awesome; congratulations!
Can you point to anything (attitude, techniqus, etc.) that changed (or maybe that’s changed back) in your driving that got you back on your true pace?

I dumbed down my approach to driving, not trying to analyze anymore and just relying on my feel


Me too actually. This year I tried to just trust my instincts for lack of a better term and have confidence that my “programming” will find the time.

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That is what I am trying to do. Stop over-analyzing and just trust the process

I see from your wet practice that you have decided to just send it. That footage looked good, super aggressive.

I like the new gloves. I think you need cat themed livery. Maybe an homage to Oscar.

Well I am going to share the footage then :grin:

@KartingIsLife @speedcraft

Life is too short to spend time asking how I should drive. I’ve driven for 4 sessions and spent 2 of them coaching my girlfriend and showing her the lines. She made tremendous progress, I am very proud of her !

She even beat me ???

Bring it! The rivalry will be epic. If it’s anything like my home, my mom beat my father mercilessly in tennis and never let up.

You should watch the movie about the lady that swims to Cuba, at 64 after failing 5 times prior. Total badass.

I’m on the opposite end of this. For me, life is too short to fully understand how I drive, and I’ve been working on it for 40+ years. :grin:

I’m happy that you’ve remembered you’re Tanguy Fing Pedrazzoli, and have gotten out of you own way so you could be reunited with your first love. :+1:

Ha, talk about a double edged sward. The first time my teenage son beat my time at the indoor kart track I was simultaneously happy for, and proud of, him, but still deep down pissed because well RACER!

BTW, internally I went with the ‘weight advantage’ explanation; highly recommended! :rofl:

It is funny though because it makes me wonder if people riding with good drivers get a kind of passive education regarding not just how it ‘looks’ (line selection, etc.), but also a deeper education, like how it feels (energy build/release, etc.) when done right and/or when done at or near the (reasonable for the road) limit. Or maybe they just have a natural aptitude for it… or both?:man_shrugging:

Wow. You need to go play golf. Now. When I was deep into that rabbit hole, it was scary how well you would play when out with much better golfers. Talk about Stig stuff.

It may be an unfair comparison because I think you tap into the fluidity of the scratch golfers swing. It’s a bit like dancing with a good dancer, I guess. So, maybe not dissimilar at all.

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My last race and this training really reignited my fire, I just want to race again and again