Karting 1 Feature - Dual Engine OK Kart By Glenn Guest

Rebuilds are twice as often haha! Considering we had different front sprockets on (Doh!) honestly you just don’t feel much of a difference, it all just works nicely. Most important part I found is syncing the carb openings with the throttle cables, same as the Div1 Superkart I ran last year. Stresses wise I really wouldn’t know.


I would be here all day if I listed all the karts I’ve ever driven! :rofl: That kart and engine combo is just devine, thanks for sharing again!


haha I get bored, get an idea and then execute!

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It just popped up when I was clicking around on YouTube, and it was too good not to share!

Awesome build Glenn and Alan! Thing looks nasty.

Little side story. Matt Grant, who did the bar and seat upright modifications on the MS Kart, builds his own karts in his garage at home. So many quiet characters doing cool stuff in this sport.