Leopard power pack issue

Did you get that switch installed?

No. Not yet. Still waiting for it to arrive in the mail.

I also won this on a bid. Good deal huh? Im thinking ill install this and fix my current one and keep for backup. Let me ask you this, what is the purpose of tbe brush wires being covered in silicone? To keep them from arcing on the housing? What type of damage to the electrical circuit can occur from this arcing.? Could it lead to the constant cranking condition that i am experiencing? Thanks for your time.

The failure of the brush wires is due to vibration. Incasing them in silicone reduces the vibration and extends the brush life.

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Does anybody know how to bypass a faulty powerpack so i can go for a ride and just use an external starter? Which wires in the wiring harness have to be connectoed in order for the engine to run?

If you are going to use an external starter, you can just unplug the (+) cable to the starter motor or unscrew the J2 connection in the power box. The rest of the box should still work normally even with a bad starter relay/micro switch.

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Thank you Greg :+1 :+1: