Measuring Jets/Atomizers

So if example the states a 170 jet, Should I start with a measured 170 jet or an actual 170 jet?

I suppose my fear is that the jet app has a built in “safe window” for incorrect jet sizes and corrects as such.

Or start with the actual jet and drop down each session until I reach the measured jet size.

E.g. App 170 , start with a 170 jet. Then drop down to the actual measured 170 jet in stages.

I have been there with the head scratchings part.
But that said, if you decide to use unmeassured jets according to their stamped value i would allways go 2-3 numbers at the time either up or down.

Start with what the app says then adjust the tune to what the engine does when you rev it on the stand.

Over time, you’ll know how many jet points out the app is compared to what your engine needs.
You’ll just compensate for the difference as needed.

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