Mounting 6 inch on 7.1 inch wheel

DKC has this machine. It is not intended to “seat the bead” of the tire on the rim. It is meant to dismount a broken beaded tire and mount an unbeaded tire. The Beading of the tire to the wheel happens with Air. There is a device called a Cheetah(?) that is basically an air tank that has a quick release valve and a concentrated nozzle to rapidly push air between the tire and rim, forcing it to expand the tire out to the sealing surface. This combined with air pumped into the valve stem can be effective. Its just an added expense that performs the same function as a rapidly expanding gas/fuel mix at 1/100th the cost.

Did this about a week ago, rushed some rain tires and only had 7.1 wheels :man_facepalming:t3: Well my 8 gallon hot dog air compressor just wasn’t doing it, tried ratchet straps which wouldn’t push anything out, tried removing valve which just made a big compressed air fan when I removed the hose, nothing was working. Went to a buddies house with a nice 20 gallon tank and at first wasn’t working but we added a bit more soap and water then pushed on the top of the tire and finally we got it to semi-bead. From there we use a mallet to add some vibration on the wheel and more air and suckers eventually popped. Air compressor was putting out 140ish PSI. Rediculous.

TLDR: More air, more lube, some smacky smacky’s and a dream.

Beading one side and then trying to make the other side bead up is making the job harder. You really need both to start at same time in order for it to work properly.

I recommend to anyone having issues with beading the tire to get some P80 emulsion. It’s a lubricant you mix with water and will evaporate. Mix in a spray bottle. Have used this for years and I can count on one hand the times I’ve needed a band or a strap to bead a tire. Only ever happened with YDS hockey pucks.

This is the product used to press large rubber bushing into small holes during manufacturing. Buy the 1 liter and with proper mix, you’ll have enough to last at least 12 years.

As others mentioned, if you haven’t done so, take out the valve core. Use a blow gun placed on top of valve. You’ll have tires beaded in seconds with the p80. :wink:

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We are mounting the Hoosier R70’s on Douglas low volumes. I would not be worried about it as much but from what I hear, the resurface of PKRA is really grippy.

I wanted to share a trick I found that allows for seating the bead even with a small air compressor.

I was facing the same challenges in mounting tires on wider rims, but ended up using these o-rings I got off Amazon which sealed the gaps and made the install a breeze.

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What do you do with the o-rings?

Once The bead holds pressure I removed the orings and seat the bead as normal.

You press the o-ring against the bead at the rim and that holds in the air and allows it to expand?

They’re snug enough to stay in place and provide the seal required to build pressure in the tire against the rim. With pressure pushing the tire outwards towards the edge of the rim, the o-rings can be removed.

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