Mychron Gyro, Force sensors Discussion

I reached out to AIM and asked if the Mychron is compensating for the steering wheel rotation impact to the accelerometer and gps data. Here is their response:

“ Hi Spencer, the Mychron5 does have the internal accelerometer and gyroscope platform. A Mychron5S will not.

Even though the most popular mounting location is the steering wheel, there is not a compensation for steering wheel implications in the accelerometer and gyro scope. Furthermore, you have the GPS calculations of the same measures that do not take into effect these forces to use in comparison.

This video from us touches on Karting analysis and accelerometer readings

There is the ability with connection to RaceStudio3, with the device connected, under Live Measures tab, to calibrate the Accel/Gyro to zero positions in the mounting location to correct mounting angles to better your data precision.”

So TL;DR, they are NOT correcting for the impact of steering wheel angle on the data recorded by the accelerometers and gps accelerometer data.

Interesting to learn that the Mychron5 has accelerometer and gyro platform that the 5s does not have.