Need higher RPMs through turns

If you are like pretty much everyone, you probably are going too hard into corners to try to be fast. This makes you late to throttle on the way out. It’s really hard to force yourself to do, but imagine yourself being back on gas as you go through/across the apex, driving through it.

Get your slowing done as you approach the corner so that you can be right back on gas the moment your foot comes off the brake. You then feed the gas in, slowly sometimes, hard other times, depends on the corner and what it can take. If you can force yourself to be slow “in” and focus on the fast “out” part, that will probably help you a bunch as compared to hurling it in, trying to brake late etc.

sounds easy but overdriving seems to be baked into most of us. Understanding what speed is and how it’s generated takes a long time and a lot of practice, and it’s pretty subtle. Once you start getting it though, man is it worth the work you put in.

Feel free to hit us up with video etc. we can be more useful if we can see what you are doing. The great thing about all this driving stuff is that it doesn’t matter and that figuring it out is the journey (which is the part that matters, and has no end point). Welcome to the fun.


This may be the case, but there is also the possibility that @tIANcI may just not yet comprehend how much lateral grip a kart can produce. If that is the case it could be that not enough speed is being carried into the corner to make the kart and tires work in their optimal window.

This statement (and being 4 seconds off the pace) made me think it could be a lack of speed/energy mid corner needed to keep the kart flexed and the IR tire off the track.

An easy test for this on a practice day would be to position yourself on track so no one is behind you, pick a ‘safe’ (aka nothing to hit) slow corner and purposely drive the kart ‘too fast’ into the turn with the intention of spinning out or understeering wide. You may find that you were not able to accomplish your objective because the kart sticks so well, so try again.

Once you do succeed in spinning, then think about why you spun… that is, was it really too much speed, or was it the result of non-optimal driving inputs caused by the mental discomfort of going into the turn way faster than you thought was possible. At any rate, this technique could possibly save you some time because when a driver who is pretty far off the pace (due to lack of experience) tries to ‘go faster’, they tend to do so in microscopic increments, so it takes a loooong time to built mid-corner speed to the point where you are feeling what you need to be feeling/experiencing.


You do have a point. It could be that as well!

I recall Justin White telling me when I was new… “you don’t understand yet how much the kart can handle, you dont trust it yet.”


@revolutionracing … it’s just the truth, not taken as a knock lol

Thanks for all the advise. I gotta agree that I have yet to fully trust the kart or understand how much lateral grip it has. Am off to the track today, will work on my braking, exiting the turns along with throttle management. :pray: