After it taking a while for me to figure out all of what is happening on the tight tracks around where I live, and coming across this thread and a couple others on here about converting a Rok GP to a SuperRok, I’ve ordered the parts to do it (namely the 500 211 coil - and btw, if you happen to have a Seletra rotor and coil, there is no way to do this conversion without switching the rotor and coil to the PVL parts since Selectra doesn’t seem to offer an unlimited coil) and am checking in to see if anyone has any additional results/input as well as to begin my own chronicling of this adventure. (probably won’t be updating for at least a couple weeks, which will be the next time I can make it out to the track)
Beside setting the advance to somewhere around 5.5-6.0 I’ll be using the VHSH 30 that came with the engine, and just switching out the main jet with a bigger one initially. I hope that gets me most of the way there, because honestly I’m going to be lost if it comes down to needing to do much more with the carb.