"The Wave"

Trust me, I’m on the same page as you there. I’d much rather see senior level racing be 18+ and run junior from 13-17 or so.

Like I said though, they would be broadcasting the races in junior anyways, on the same livestream to the same audience. It sounds like the solution you’re advocating for is to raise the age requirement for senior and only broadcast the senior races, which would have avoided the issue but you and I both know the FIA will never go for it.

I mean might as well say people at this point…

Idk man, the nervous laugh makes me think maybe nazi salute… but also I see zero reason for him to do that, so it very well could be a “wave” anyone know what the chest bump is?
I feel like everything that needs to be said has been said. Nothing much to gain talking about it, but certainly got some things to lose.

A lot of people are missing the point. While it is not a Nazi salute, the point is, it is a kid. Kids do edgy stuff and they get educated, they don’t get their future ruined.
I still get massive Asterix vibe from what he did :

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Asterix, of course, knew how to deal with the Romans:



Alan, I share your distaste for the way kart racing is being pushed hard towards the young end of the market. I have actually seen juniors lie about their age in order to stay in the Junior classes.
This has caused real harm to the public’s perception of kart racing and is a disservice.

Torn here.

On one hand, could be an honest mistake.

But then his reaction immediately following, I’m wondering if he is just reacting to the crowds reaction, or if he knew he could get that reaction?

I was a pretty serious $hit disturber at that age, I could see my younger self doing something incredably ignornat/ stupid like that out lack of maturity.

I’m just glad the military beat that out of me, I needed that swift kick in the tail and it literally changed me for the better.

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