2023: your ideal race program... what do you want to do?

@Ronald_Swift Gotta say that was an unexpected take on the question that shows the diversity of how we engage with / enjoy racing. Heck of a plan!

This. Funny thing I’ve noticed on the other side of 50… kart muscles go away, fast, as you age. I haven’t karted since NJMP with Elias and we both were wiped out by that 6hr race. (I had by this time been effectively out of kart since enduro up in Mass so was already deflated physically).

The subsequent 6 months of inactivity resulted in even further muscle loss and now I’m just a skinny and ass-less old man. I think that if you can at least kart once a month, that would go a long ways to maintaining muscle/aerobic.

Working out just to be fit isn’t fun to me so I’d rather kart to be fit.

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I’m going to credit (blame :wink:) @Ronald_Swift with starting the “out of the box” answers, but my unlimited funds 2023 would include hiring a small, dedicated, like-minded (racer) staff of ‘creatives’:

  • YouTube channel creation expert
  • Vector Graphics Artist
  • Raster/photo-manipulation artist
  • Blender 3D modeling and animation expert
  • Video editing/effects expert
  • & Someone with a large stick to keep me moving

To produce “The Integrated Racer” YT channel, with the goal of providing the most comprehensive, comprehensible, and useful (actionable) driver/rider instruction and training that has ever existed… Muhahahahaha! :scream:


This would be worth doing.

Driver 61, https://youtube.com/@Driver61 for example, seems to have great success in reaching folks and helping them understand race driving. Your idea would be good for those a little further along in the journey.

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I will stick with the rental races for now :grin:

Specifics? Also, you can fantasize a bit. Doesn’t have to be real money/time.

The Mariembourg championship mainly, I don’t have the budget for SWS unfortunately

In French…


December second? Or Feb. 12th?

Feb 12th DD/MM. I don’t know if the first one counts towards the championship yet

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Big gap at end of calendar. Gonna have to find another race series to fill in that gap!

This would be the ticket for me. Buy a house ON the racetrack. Garages are built for the purpose, simply walk into the racetrack whenever you want. I know it’s not a race program per se, but at that point the hard part is solved, possibilities are endless

Indy car has a test here in a few weeks

Andy, when Jake, Tanguy and me went and raced AMP, it appeared that they were building nice looking condos off the 6-8 complex at back of middle straight. Not to tempt you or anything, but they also have a car track.

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When we had a SKUSA PKC series in the northwest, one race was in Canada. Technically that makes me an international karting champion.

I’d probably do a season in Europe or Japan.

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Since it’s not about what we can afford… I’ll take George’s seat please!

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How about just getting adopted by Lawrence Stroll?

I’d convince Tom Kutscher to run a 100 Super grid and bring everyone over from Europe to Vegas. I think that’d be pretty epic.


Buy a few hundred acres of land along the front range of Wyoming to build a long Spa-like track up and down the slope (large elevation change). Develop it as a destination resort for all motorsport classes, including large displacement shifter and superkarts.

Hey, we can dream, right?


So my actual plans for racing in 2023 consist of:

  • CKNA South at Biloxi, MS in February (206 Light)
  • CKT at Grand Junction, CO in August (KA100)
  • Saturday Night Shootout at Tri-Cities, WA (Hopefully Race clutches up so I can double up in 206 and shifter :crossed_fingers:)
  • Rok Vegas (Shifter)
  • Cramming in as many practice weekends in the Rok shifter as possible so I don’t completely suck for Vegas

My biggest real obstacle is time, with all the other work I’m doing this year. If that wasn’t a factor, I’d hit some other regions of the country. Kart Idaho’s Spud Cup and CKNA at Dousman come to mind.

With unlimited funding, I’d be trying to run KZ at SKUSA and practicing as much as I can stomach to be fully prepared for Vegas. Anyone want to donate to my OpenFender? :face_with_head_bandage:

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Funny… I pushed 60 out of the way a few years ago and had to spend some time less active than I would have liked due to surgery on my right foot (and subsequent complications :scream: ). I was fortunate to have the problem of dropping 10 pounds over the past season of club karting at Fremont (OH). It’s a short, very busy track. I wound up constantly having to add weight to make the 390# minimum for masters toward the end of the season.