2023: your ideal race program... what do you want to do?

On the plus side, we can pretty much eat whatever we want! Good news is that we can rebuild muscle mass well into old age, from what I have read.

I submit Jack as tribute…I believe he was in his 90s here:

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Is this where the term ‘jacked’ came from? :grin:

Imma gonna get Lalaned.

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Looks like the topic went a bit in the direction of plans for 2023. I guess I don’t really have a program these days but I would like:

The track/business to stop taking my money and turn a fricken profit.
Buy the abandoned track I’ve been looking at.
Get the 4 stroke shifter buttoned up and on the market or at least into peoples hands.
Road race or two in a KZ wouldn’t hurt, it’ll be a 10 year hiatus this year.