219 Chain Tool Recommendation

I have had back luck with 2 RLV chain tools in a row now. The first stripped out its threads so the bolt just spins in the tool but doesnt press on the pin. The second tool failed on the first use when the pin on the tool bent instead of pressing the pin out of the chain. Pic attached.

Isnt there a quality 219 chainbreaker and press tool out there?


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Yes. Righetti’s chain tool. It also works on the Panther chain.

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Zero-error has a really nice one

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Isnt that the one in the pic? I know I said RLV but looking at their site it looks the same? They even sell replacement press pins (sounds like its a common problem) Or is there a different zero error one thats different?


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You are ‘pulling my chain’ right? Theirs looks exactly like the one above!

It looks identical, but it works much better - almost certainly made from harder steel. I’ve owned both and the difference couldn’t be clearer.

Threw mine all away. Quality was junk and even when I got them to successfully work I always felt like there was a tight spot / bind and always worried that it contributed to failures.

I just keep 2-3 lengths of chain in my inventory so I don’t need to worry about resizing.

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That doesn’t look like a RLV chain breaker to me, the ones I’ve used look like the image below and are one of the better quality breakers in my opinion.


My RLV is the same as Ricky’s and its never let me down.

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FWIW, you have to be careful to center the tool on the pin to push it through clean. If it’s at a slight angle and you just crank at it, it will snap as you’ve seen.