2x ROK Shifter Engines

Location: Indiana
Price: 2700


I have two ROK shifters for sale.

One has an hour’ish on the bottom end, a swedetech cylinder with new piston and ring.

The other has around 6 hours on the bottom end with a new piston and ring only fired for about 10 seconds to show someone it was running.

Ready to bolt on - $2700 ea

Deal on the pair

Can ship.

Damn wish you were out West. Still wanting to piece together a shifter. GLWS.

Man, if somebody would want it, I would definitely work on shipping with them.

Hello - where in Indiana (I am from Indy…)
And interested in one of the engines if still available.

I live about an hour south. I’m normally in Whiteland at the track for kart deals. You can text me at 765-318-8208 if it’s easier.

Updated listing with new info.

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