3rd bearing setup in shifter kart

You’ll definitely want to confirm your seat position. That is one thing that could actually throw things off pretty substantially even for someone relatively new. There’s a pretty recent OTK seat position chart here which might help indicate whether or not you have things in the right ballpark. @ApexGRT is a regular on the forums here and runs an OTK shifter so maybe he can help also with that if you still have questions.

Someone here might also be able to point you to a shop in the area that could help, but it still might be worthwhile checking with fastech or acceleration anyway. Even if they don’t do a ton of service work in the area, they’d almost certainly know a few people who do. While you’re at it I’d also get that right side strut moved to the outermost cassette (you’ll probably have to do some bending to get it to fit around the exhaust) and I’d also work towards doubling up the struts on each side. 55” for rear track width is where you want to be there. While it’s still true that you are going to find a lot more time focusing on driving rather than chassis tuning, you’ll still want to make sure you have a chassis that’s at least pretty close to a baseline setup. Hope that helps!