50mm axle for TopKart Surf


Can you lend a hand in figuring this out?

I need a 50mm axle, 50mm Righetti Ridolphi Axle :: Karting Axles :: Axles & Components :: Comet Kart Sales with a 4mm peg is what I was looking at. I currently have 40mm x 1040mm keys currently sit at 5mm tall, and 8mm wide.

I made a stupid mistake and need to live with it now.

My current rear hubs are 50mm eye-to-eye I’m not sure what the other measurement is.
50mm Rear Hubs :: Wheel Hubs :: Wheels & Hubs :: Comet Kart Sales When I measure down the keyway to the inner of the hub is about 84/85mm.

Heres a few photos of what I am working with https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipPiJpFKLfBF8ePCcEFUbRHaqbhytvgADMhVk3KQBXM8d706pfTn7sO4z5S4m2lfGg?key=WnA4VDkwRnA2NGtCTGVNdm1Gb1QtLWl1SDg1c29n

thank you!

Any luck with this? Moved it to Maintenance, Repair, Equipment & Tools for now.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a 50 mm axle with full-depth keyways. It’s always been pegs and holes for them.

Are you sure it’s not a 40 mm diameter axle?

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I’m not sure what your issue is…it looks like you have a 40mm axle which would mean your kart has 40mm bearings. Do you want to convert the kart to a 50mm axle? In addition to the larger diameter axle you will need 50mm bearings as well as a brake hub (which may or may not work with your brake rotor) and sprocket hub. The keys should be specific to the axle as they are usually pinned and the spacing can be different. However, most keys should work with different brands of hubs. The hubs you have are fairly long and you may have a hard time on a full length axle getting the rear end width correct. if that is the case you could use a shorter hub or cut some of the length off the end of the axle.

Your other option is to stay with the 40mm axle and just find hubs that are 40mm.