Absolute newbie who can't start a kart

Hey there, I recently just purchased a Rotax max evo fr125, I’ve had somewhat of an experience with karts, however I really just wanted to be safe when starting it, do I need to choke it when starting it every time? Or just when starting it when its cold? Or just no need for choke. Thank you.

Generally, no need for choke. But that’s me in California, if you are living in a super cold climate (really cold) you may need it at some point. Try without it first. Either way you are not going to ruin anything


Same for me in Cali no choke required to start at all.

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If its cold you can use choke on first start otherwise no, also if its not started you can blow in fuel to carb by blowing on the return fuel line to fill upp the floatie compartment for a faster start… dont forget water in the radiator and make sure your jetting is somewhat right… there is a rotax jetting app that recommends getting based on weather…
When driving you want water temp about 55 degrees to low you close flap or tape a row!

Hope you have a great time!

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Typically before going on track you will want to start and run your kart on the stand. Get the fuel into the carb and let it run a bit to get some heat into the motor. Then rev it to get heat into your cooling system. Do you have an onboard computer with a temp probe? I think that is what Mike is getting at.

Blow into the fuel breather line to fill the carburetor, then use the choke on cold starts.

A Rotax should never be run on stale gasoline or race gas. It needs premium pump gas, 2.5 ounces of oil to the gallon (2%), fresh every morning, drained from the carburetor and tank every night.