Analyse these tyres please. A new Game Show!

Hi all, I tried to put humour into the title as I just has a very ‘unfun’ weekend race meeting.

Firstly I’m new to karting, have a CRG chassis from 2011 there abouts and run an LO206.


Firstly I was helped set up my kart by a really talents driver who comfortably won all heats and final on the day.

Front wheel alignment was done, tyre pressures the same as the winning kart, and he was also kind enough to take my kart for a few laps and reported it handled well.

It was a hot day. Majority of drivers running 15 psi.

I was 7 seconds a lap slower and so I’m trying to get my head around the “whys” and here are sone of my thoughts.

I am not driving fast enough? Countering this is the tyres look like they are over heating and smearing off the surface. I wasn’t driving off line and nor was there any massive pick up anywhere on track.

The CRG rim is not wide enough, hence the curved profile? We’re running Dunlop DHH.

I’ll post another drivers rear tyre for comparison. Same weight class. But yeah this doing my head in.

Thanks for any opinions, hints or tips.

I think it is the opposite. Not enough heat in the tire. My son’s tires used to look like that when was younger. Chances are if you are 7 seconds off the pace you need more seat time.


7 seconds is all driving. Setup is at most worth a second. Your tire is picking up rubber because you are not driving hard enough to wear the tire. You are getting the tire hot enough to pick up discarded rubber but not hot enough to wear.

No amount of chassis tuning will get you 7 seconds. You just need more seat time and learn the limits of the kart. You’re way under the limit, it can take much more corner speed.


Fear not… the 7s will become 4 then 1 then, forevermore, .25 from the fastest guys. :sweat_smile:

It just takes laps and, if you can, some coaching to help you start understanding what it’s all about.

Also, check out Terence’s Bookie…

I have yet to find someone that this didn’t help.


Order placed, thanks!

Seriously tho, don’t give up. Talent is optional, time is what matters for most of us. I recall somewhere around my 7th season I realized I wasn’t trying to drive the kart anymore, I was just able to “do” without thinking about it. Agency will come, I promise!

As others have pointed out you need seat time/practice to reduce the time gap. It took me a few seasons to be similar in speed to my competition. Another thing that helped me when I was new to karting was working as a corner worker/flagger, particularly in corners where I was struggling. Watching others brake points and lines was helpful. Then I would try to duplicate the faster drivers.

Running 206 is about momentum so anything that scrubs too much speed and momentum has a noticeable double negative effect of reducing corner speed which translates to slower straightaway speed.

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When you are 7 sec of the pace In my opinion, and what i advice new drivers.

  1. Get a good baseline setup, and keep it.
  2. Ask around what Tyrepressure you should run, and keep it.
  3. Come down, you wont be competing with the top any time soon, have fun and develop.
  4. There is no magic Kart, engine tyres or the like that will make more from new to champion in near future, it takesj time.
  5. The faster you go, the easier it will be to get tyres and kart to work.
  6. Dont panic, everyone been there.

The first tyre picture looks like you are picking up rubber, its not anything else as i se it. And you are not pushing it hard When you are 7sec of the pace.

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That’s pretty classic case of lack of lateral load to build tire pressure and heat.

Don’t worry about driving deeper in to corners just keep on working on getting back to throttle earlier. A kart length at a time corner by corner until you create an exit loose condition.

As stated above - leave the kart at baseline less about 10mm rear width out to out. Leave pressures largely alone but run 2 pounds higher than the fast guys to start and then start working down to their pressure when you get to within a few seconds. Tire pressure is a crutch that new drivers can lean on and it won’t hurt them.


Thanks Dom and everyone for your support and advice.

I’m a pretty healthy 65 year old and just started karting in Australia. I agree I’m suffering from and you have all pointed to is seat time. I’ve ordered Terrence Dove’s book as mentioned above for a read.

I think I’m just not comfortable yet with the sudden jerking of hitting bumps with some G forces applied. And actually the G forces feel like something separate to overcome. I do have a Greyhound rib protector so there is no pain associated with the jerking thank heavens.

I feel I’m ripping through the corners fast by the G Forces, when clearly not. Watching onboard videos and from the stands, driving looks so “easy”. :slight_smile:

I really appreciate your advice and there is so much value in what you have shared.

This is a video from one of the faster guys to give you an idea of the track last weekend. Certainly not flat and you’ll notice a left hand corner called the “Ski Jump”. Quite a complicated track for a novice I think.

Can’t thank you all enough.


What a beautiful racetrack!

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Anytime. Kartpulse hive mind is a lovely thing.

Re Terence book… it’s unusual in that it’s not for beginners exactly, but it’s full of stuff that beginners can use. More importantly as the scales fall from your eyes, you will find Aha that’s what Terence was talking about. You can grow into it, sorta, if that makes sense. But a lot is applicable to new racers. (Braking bit is epic).

@Terence_Dove whats your thought on “who” this was written for?

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It’s so green! I have been operating under the false impression that Aus is shades of tan and red and full of snakes. This is rather Gaelic in its color palette!

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It’s for everyone who wants to drive faster.

When I wrote it I was trying to explain the things that my fastest drivers do, in ways that are understandable to any driver.