Batak wall lite or pro. Where to get em?

Anyone know where to get it in the states and can ship international?

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What do you intend to use it for?

I am hugely skeptical about whether reaction machines have any real measurable benefit for drivers, especially at the prices these tend to go for.

How much are these type of machine price at? My intention is for teaching my drivers.

I 100% agree with Alan on this.
Why spend $ and time to improve something that hopefully you only use in special circumstances. The key to driving consistently well at the limit is:

  1. Have a solid plan based on knowledge & experience (aka know the track and the line/trajectory you intend to drive for optimal performance)
  2. Invest mental effort/attention into recognizing the relationships involved (things like how energy moves through the kart and into the tires, how the energy in (load on) a tire influences itā€™s ability to transfer that energy into the track, and how that tire/track interaction transforms that energy into forces that act on the kart, etc.
  3. Develop the ability to feel the peaks of the traction/force energy, and more importantly, the ability to PREDICT when/where the energy will peak.
  4. Continually work on improving your sensitivity to these things (on track, with imagery, via sim, etc). Actually, work on this whenever you drive on the street; you donā€™t have to speed or drive crazy, the signals are there whenever/whatever you drive; they are just at a much lower amplitude than on track.
  5. If you do these things, then you will be DIRECTING your driving based on ANTICIPATION, instead of relying on quick reaction times.

People often say that drivers with good car control have ā€œfast handsā€, but their hands are not fast because they can react quickly, they appear fast because they are mentally ahead of the car (ahead of whatever energy wave they are trying to manage).

Anyway just a thought to consider.


Rental starts at around $600-$700 so you can do the math from here. They are not cheap.

You have to ask yourself whether youā€™re training your drivers to just be good at a Batak machine or actually providing them something with any material value for a driver.

Is this is one if those machines where you practice response time? For a lot less I can build a sim rig and fire up an iracing nascar field and practice reaction time all day long.

But seriously, yes sim, or IRL training with specific constraints (maybe something like using cones in a specific type of turn (like a hairpin) to practice getting to the same apex using early ā€˜correctā€™ and late turn-ins). The ā€˜taskā€™ would be for your driver to describe:

How the entry phase of the turn feels (and feels different to the other two turn in points)
How the kart feels when it rotates (faster rotation, slower rotation, more predictable/controllable rotation).
How the way the kart rotates based on each turn-in influences your driverā€™s ability to exit the turn on power.

The idea is to help your driver ā€˜connectā€™ to what he is experiencing/feeling, and be able to relate to what heā€™s feeling from an intellectual perspectiveā€¦to help him connect meaning to feeling.

Then you could move on to do the same thing for a different type of turn 90 degree, or mid-speed sweeper, etc.

Your really looking at reaction training, might want to look into BlazePods. Still seem overpriced for what they are, but likely cheaper than this.

I was thinking about this in light of a recent rental race where I had to avoid some karts. My driving reaction times are really good for an old dude, I think. (Presumably the driving trains the muscle and all of us who do this experience similar). Its pretty good training doing close quarters combat type driving. Sim or IRL. If only you could do ai sim races in 800HP wingless sprint car on medium paved oval. Dirt oval, in general, would be damn good training, too, for sprint racers. Subtly different.

Rental training! :slight_smile: Probably cheaper and likely more fun.

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So does anyone know where the OP can get one? :laughing: