Hey all, I’m on my first chassis and it’s bent to shit.
Chassis history:
This chassis has been beat on and messed up for about 2 years before I got my hands on it so I’m fairly certain that even if I get it straightened it’ll bend back quickly.
My wheels are entirely out of alignment, it’s been run like this for quite some time and the left tire is balding unevenly. Is there a way for me to fix the alignment with a vent chassis? Would I need to adjust for the uneven height between the right and the left sides? Thanks in advance.
You can correct a little bend with alignment, but it really depends where the frame is bent. But if it’s wearing one tire more than the other I’m guessing it’s too far out to correct with alignment, and probably needs to be taken and straightened.
The frames bent a little bit everywhere but the main problem is the front, the right side of the frame is bent upwards which makes the kart sit uneven.
It definitely needs to be straightened but in the condition that it’s in I don’t believe it’ll hold for more than a few sessions. I was just wondering if I could somehow account for the bending of the chassis so I can get the wheels straight with the snipers.