Best 4 stroke engine mount?

New mount all done, gotta pick up the hardware I ordered from the fastener store tomorrow.


I applaud your skills, but this is just a direct copy of the odenthal design, correct? Any personal touches and/or improvements?

Yep pretty much an Odenthal knock off, unashamedly at that. I see this as Revision level 0, get something assembled and on the kart and then I can start figuring out what I like and dislike about it and go from there. I’d like to figure out a way to do all the tension adjustments from the topside and possibly incorporate a fine adjustment to it, rather than just shove it forward and crank it down.

Makes sense. Good luck. Interested to see what you come up with.

Very impressive. I love to see someone tinker with making something on their own. Looks beautiful.

This is milled from a block of aluminum, yes?.

Very gratifying to see and do, I am sure.

Yes, 3/4" aluminum plate for the base and a 2" thick billet for the top plate.

Curiosity question for everyone. What is the theory behind using an angled mount? The new RoK GP I got had a 10 or 15 degree angle to it and I found my elbow banging off the head and with the higher mounting position and the engine would not slide back very far as the stator contacted the frame’s seat strut.

I ordered a flat Odenthal and now have clearance for my elbow and the stator. Is there some advantage to tilting the engine?

Beautiful piece of work @Jim_Johnstone !

For the tater diggers, it is clearance to the right rear tire. With the carb hanging out over the right rear, some chassis need more room than others.

I cant speak to the 2 stroke stuff. I always used flat mounts on the yamaha.

Like Derek said, gotta clear the air cleaner over the tire. I borrowed a 5 degree mount to try on my son’s kart and the conical air cleaner was right on the tire, a cylindrical air cleaner would have been rubbed right off. This one is 8 degree and a thicker base and top plate for some extra clearance.