Hi everyone,
Do you think that blipping in a shifter kart give some advantage? I mean, the technique where while downshifting you give a very short and quick throttle input between the gears. Senna used to do this while driving GT cars. I see that few world class karting driver do this sometimes, not always.
I would imagine it gives a more stable rear during downshift if done right. But for me when I drove Kz it didn’t make a difference, it only took my focus away
What sena did was different. What your describing sounds like heal toe shifting. It’s very common in motorsports and far easier to do in karts since you only have 2 pedals. It takes a long time to get good at it.
Have you tried it? I think that yes the rear could be more stable but maybe the braking zone will be longer, because you apply gas with a gear in, you are not in neutral, so the kart will move forward a little bit
Yes, you are right. I wonder if this give advantage, since in karting when you downshift without clutch you not move through the neutral
Of course I’ve tried it, I ran Kz between 2011 - 2023
The braking zone wasn’t longer because you blipped briefly between the change so you could rev the engine up. It’s a balance act
I found no advantage in terms of what the clock said, so my main focus shifted to the braking instead of messing with blips
I’ve tried it as well and had the same experience and conclusion. It’s a complication that doesn’t yield any increased performance.
Yeah I definitely don’t do it, but I downshift so late and fast that it would be difficult. I try not to engine brake at all, or very little. Hard on brakes, just before initial turn in bang down gears.
This is interesting, I’ll try next time. You are able to have a late braking without engine brake?
Absolutely. I personally run very heavy on the front brakes, and even trail brake until just before apex which keeps the front loaded.
Thanks. Can I ask your brake bias and on which chassis?
I’m on a Croc. On the balance bar I’m 60-70% towards the front, but each kart brand and balance bar is different. Basically under hard braking I like enough front to occasionally lock up the fronts, then I’ll back it off barely.
With this setup, your rear slide a little bit when you hard brake initially or the kart is just pointed on the front?
I brake in as straight a line as possible to maximize the braking the tires can take. Usually the rear is under control as I can run the kart on the side of understeer, but because I trail brake I can keep the front with enough grip to go where I want. I can usually run significantly less front end in my kart also (ie. no front bar and narrow front track).
While we on subject if shifter braking (front brakes)…
I noticed driving the electrics at k1 (front discs/shifter chassis) that while the brakes are very powerful, it rotates differently.
Felt like the kart really liked straight line braking. What’s the primary distinction between having fronts in your opinion, versus the usual rear caliper only? @Rdub3
I think it would help if done correctly but I don’t think I could.
If nothing else, your shift forks would thank you.
Remember, braking & turning both require friction from the tire, so the application of front brakes takes a portion of traction to do its thing, & turning gets whatever is left. Turn &/or brake in excess of what’s available = go for a slide.
True, but that relationship feels a bit different with the front brakes. It felt more compliant, less spinny. But, it also felt like you get your set later, as opposed to rotating initially.
Front brakes or the addition of front brakes really changes the attitude of the kart under braking. Granted some of this can be tweaked by how much front brake is added. On a single speed kart I think it would still be beneficial to have a large portion of the braking done by the rear to get that initial rotation. Granted on an electric with lots of torque you may be able to drive it more like shifter with a point and shoot style line.
That’s sort of the impression I got. I can see how you’d want to power out. I didn’t get enough time in the e-kart to play with it but I’d like to get the opportunity. Thanks.
An ekart is a shifter thats always in the correct gear & in powerband without ever having to shift. Like point & shoot on steroids. I would probably miss not having to keep the motor on the pipe, but the quickness would keep me plenty busy & focused.