Buying used chassis HELP!

Hi there! Me and my dad got a offer from a buddy to buy his 2020 ipk formula k karting chassis for 500 euro… its a roller without rims and tires…
It has some cracks tho… and we figured if we weld it up nicely and send it to powder coat and sell it it could make some profit maby sell for 1500? Any ideas if this is worth it or not?

Doesnt seem worth it to me. I think you’d have a hard time getting 1500 euros for it after fixing it up. Keep in mind that the brakes will probably need a rebuild, you don’t know how straight the frame is, how straight the axle is, etc. Does it come with a seat and wheels? Used good-condition karts seem to be getting more affordable again, so something thats been fixed up is going to have a hard time competing on price.

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Yeah there’s no way you’ll come out ahead if you account for your time in my opinion.

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Yeah i wouldnt dare touching since it got some crack. Hard pass. Not worth your time and money

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Yeah, those cracks are a hard pass.

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Id i weld it up for myself to be a wet kart?? Is it worth it?

To me. Once there is a cracked on the chassis its not worth saving. Safety hazard.

in what way can it be a safety hazard if i wels it? just wondering

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Perhaps just that it’s forever a bit weaker. It seems to me that eventually you give up on rewelding chassis after several breaks and just get a new one. At least that’s how I felt about it. It seems to cascade once you start having seat stays crack.

I guess as a project it could be fun but I concur unless your local market is insane. For 1500 eur I’d want a much less tired frame.

yeah i guess i will just get it as a rain chssis. 350 was the deal i made for it

At that price go for it and practice your welding skills and use it as a spare :+1:t3:


yeah there are some parts that are perfect… Spindels, tierods, sttering column bearing holder,bumpers, i now have 3 kart laying around in my small 30 square meters garage with a car

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