Can you identify This Kart

I picked up a used Kart, since I did get it at a low cost, I thought I would get it up and working once again. BUT I can not find who made it or the model of it, so I would be able to locate parts. If anyone is able to ID it so I can find new parts of it, I would greatly appreciate it

Welcome Steve. I’m not sure if a mini buggy is a brand, type of vehicle or both. It looks like there were mini buggy forums but they are gone?

Someone else might be able to chime in. In the meantime please update your profile to show your last name.

You may find that many parts are not brand specific. Do you what parts you need yet?

These guys seem to have a good range of parts for yard/off-road karts

From what I found I think it maybe a off shoot of TrailMaster Mini, it appears the item are very much the same. But I am not 100% on it