Off topic but got to ask. How did you end up with an avatar pic of Doughal McGuire?
[quote=“KartingIsLife, post:21, topic:7502”]
you end up with an avatar pic of Doughal[/quote]
My wife believes he and I share the same IQ. I used it as an XBox gamertag 20+ years ago and it has stuck around.
Funny story - on our honeymoon I got a flat tire in front of Ted’s Parochial House in County Clare and had to change it in the driveway.
Hey Mike,
Are hauling it with a 2500? Gas or Diesel? What does your set up weigh? I was looking into a bumper pull set up. Have a 1500, so I am limited on GVW of what I can pull. There are few options out there, but the space is reduced of course. Don’t think I am ready to trade up and splurge on a toy hauler simultaneously.
I’m riding with a 3500 diesel. I had to trade up to the 1 ton from my half ton when i bought the Hauler. But since the wife wanted the hauler, i was able to get the truck.
The trailer max weight is rated at 19,000 lbs, but i think in more around the 16,000 lbs but need to go by scales at some point.
While this is my first 5th wheel, I’ve heard that they tow better than bumper pulls. I never had a large bumper pull, so couldn’t really say. I just know it tows very easily.
Hey Mike, what kind of mileage do you get out of a 1 ton towing and not?
Lucky you, my wife gripes anytime money is spent. Even if its something she wants, lol!
My Dad has the 2500 Diesel and pulls a 24 ft enclosed with 2k+lbs cargo from the bumper. I tows relatively well with the load leveling bars, but without is quite a handful. I am guessing a goose neck or fifth wheel does better in that the load is moved over the axles versus 3 or 4 ft behind the axle.
So, when towing the 5th wheel, I get about 9.5 mpg when cruising at 70 mph, it obviously drops by going faster. Without towing, I am around 19 to 20 mpg. I’ve seen as high as 24 mpg for a tank, but that was when I was coming down the mountains and not going over 55 mph.
My wife does like to give me a hard time anytime I want to buy something for the kart, but I think that’s more that she can, rather than she wants to.
This is my assumption as well, that it is centered on the axle and the pivot is more central. While I feel the weight, I don’t feel the wind as much, or the blast off semi trucks.
Well I literally just bought that exact toy hauler. I had concerns with the side ramp as well, but after talking to several friends about how various tracks in Ontario operate, they all seemed to agree it wont be an issue, might just have to get a bit creative on parking/unloading.
Tows fine with my F150.
Do your karts fit through the side door? Seems too small but maybe it isn’t?
The door opening measures 55.5", and up here in Canada our 4 strokes rules limit the track width to 50", so no problem for us. I know some 2 strokes run up to 55", so it would be a tight squeeze with the rear wheels still installed, but it should go in.