So I’ve been considering a cargo trailer and outrigging it with a small kitchen, sleeping space (with bunks for the kids) and A/C for traveling to races; and maybe the occasional family trip.
But the more I add up the time vs. cost I find myself now thinking about a small toy hauler. Anyone been in this position before? And if you went with a toy hauler, and advice on what I should consider?
I have a half ton Chevy with a 6,000 lbs (ish) towing capacity, so I can’t get anything to large. All I plan to haul is my kart and maybe a Honda Rancher from time to time.
I have had the exact same thought. By the time you build out a normal trailer to include a moderate living space you are in for as much or more than a toy hauler. Upside to a hauler is it will likely have a bathroom/shower.
I bought a Forest River Greywolf 19RR last season after karting out of the back of my pickup for years. It’s fantastic! My wife and the pup can come to the track with me now. We have heat, which came in ultra handy today at the track (48 degrees, windy, and rain!) AC, microwave, toilet, shower, and an actual bed! Makes for a much better overall weekend experience at the track!
After years of karting and using a 7x14 cargo trailer, I upgraded to a toy hauler. My wife and daughter wanted air conditioning, and I gave them options from race trailer with AC all the way to a toy hauler. I unfortunately had to get a new truck because they decided on the 5th wheel toy hauler. I agreed to go to what we did not because I was going to get a truck out of it (my existing truck wasn’t quite 2 years old), but because of the flexibility of the trailer. Now we are able to stay at the track, which is a plus from having to book a hotel, plus leaving the track to get to the hotel and back to the track, etc. Another upside is that my friend and I always talk about what happens if our daughters decide they are done racing tomorrow? Well, with a toy hauler, we just go camping and shift gears, or I can trade it in to the dealer, whereas a race trailer may be tougher to get out from under. They are not that different in costs either. Toy haulers also have the ability to cook meals easier than putting together a kitchen for a cargo/race trailer. Also, besides the shower mentioned earlier, you also have a restroom with you.
End of the day, it’s about what you really think is best for you.
Here is one I’m considering, as it has the side entry which seems perfect size for a couple of karts. Bunk beds for the kids, separation fron the kids/ sleeping quarters. Plus it has the flat outside panels (no ribs) which is huge for Florida as moss loves to grow out here in crevices.
My only concern, I think its too heavy for a 1/2 ton truck? (1998 Chevy Tahoe)
That and your spinny umbrella thing and you probably hardly noticed the crappy weather! All I had was a team trailer full of hundreds of tires to rest in
I 100% recommend a toyhauler if you also camp or want to enjoy staying at the track on race weekends. It is very nice to wrap up the work and kick back with a beer around the fire.
Though I will say, I would stay away from any toyhauler with a side ramp. Pits can be tight. You will always have to buy 2 spots if your ramp is on the side. Just my .02
My Son is winding his racing down and heading to college. The toyhauler is now more camper than kart hauler. I’m not as happy as the Mrs is about this
You may be right. My Tahoe is the 2 door version with the even shorter wheelbase, so towing capacity is probably less than a normal one? Never owned any form of a trailer before, so I’m pretty new to all of this.
A part of me wants to upgrade my truck, but I’be had this rig for 20 years and it runs like a top. So I’d hate to part ways with it if I can find a light enough toy hauler to make it work. It old, but its paid for, and I still enjoy driving it. Plus I dropped in a new GM crate motor into it in 2017, but the trans is orginal and never been touched. Its lived a pretty easy life, never towed much, never off roaded. Its more or less a concrete cowboy.
That an excellent point I never considered. Makes alot of sense.
I know, resurrecting an old thread, but had some questions. For those of you with toy haulers and kids, how do you handle camping at the track? Most toy haulers look to use the garage for the extra sleeping area. Do you set up your pit and leave everything outside overnight? What happens with rain? Also, bringing up the question of fumes again, are they an issue?
Great question Tom, we are in a similar place so interested in the answers your question generates.
Locally I have only seen 1 family using a toy hauler, overnight they use an EZ-Up with sidewalls so the kart/etc can stay outside… but there are certainly pros and cons to that approach!
I’m currently in the same boat, thinking of a toy hauler. I know a few guys who use them now, they typically leave the kart under their tent and some put a kart cover over it and just leave the kart out overnight.
As for that one with the side ramp, i immediately thought the same thing, with the way our pit stalls are setup, I’d never get the kart out the side.
I’ve also considered a small motorhome and pull my cargo trailer, that way if just going to the track for a practice day with my son, i dont need to pull the entire camper, just hitch up to my pickup truck and go.
I used a toy hauler for 2 years while my son was young and took naps. It was a life saver on those long track days. For naps, I would just throw him in the bed (or on a couch) up front so I didnt have to put the “garage beds” out during the day.
At night, we would leave our karts out under the awning or an ezup. Never had any issues. If it was supposed to be super windy or something like that, I would put the kart covers on and then put the EZ up down over top of them and stake it down or tie it to the generator or something for added security.
Depending on the size of your toy hauler and the size of your karting operation, you can often slip the kart in and still sleep in the garage, as well. We did that a few times when we were going to a race a long ways away and had to stop overnight on the trip home. No issues with fumes or anything. Just drain your fuel before you put the kart in and clean everything before you put it away.
That’s what I see too. People set up their pop up and park the karts outside next to the trailer while they sleep inside. Nobody at the track is going to make off with your stuff, it’s too small of a world in karting, and the community (or the track owners) wouldn’t put up with that garbage. Not to say someone off the street wouldn’t, but I’ve never heard of that happening personally with say 4-10 RV’s parked over night at the track.
I have a 5th wheel toy hauler, and one of my requirements was that I had a separate garage in back so I didn’t have to worry about sharing space with the dining room. Being able to camp at the track has been wonderful, no need to pack quickly to get to the hotel, time to work on the kart, and I can get up and start working while I let the others sleep in some.
I typically setup my ezup outside and leave the karts under the canopy overnight. I do drop the canopy all the way down and cover the kart, and I have not had an issue with that. When it does rain, I push stuff inside the garage and leave it there if it’s not on a race day when we are going on track.
The only thing that has changed with having it versus the cargo trailer I had, is that I need to arrive at the track early so I can make sure I can get in and park in my space. I also need to take up 2 or more spaces depending on the size of them.