Chassis scraping, too low

Hi, i have just bought a rotax senior but the frontend keeps scraping everywhere, even on a completely flat surface. The kart is sat to its highest position, but theres still only a finger thickness of space between the ground and the frontend of the chassis. The chassis shouldent be bent said the previous owner.

What to do?

In the picture the kart is at the highest position

Shouldn’t be and isn’t are two different confidence levels. I’d get the chassis on a table.
Can you attach a photo of your front ride height setting?
What year is the chassis?

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Yeah would need a photo to really see what’s going on, but it shouldn’t be scraping at the highest ride height.

Definitely need a picture or two in this case.

Check rear ride height not just the front. Kart might have a bit of rake to it.

He said? Of course, they all do…

First of all, you must be specific about where it scrapes. Is it front tube of the frame, plastic bumper or tubes below front spindles.
In any case, tubes shouldnt scrape the asphalt on medium and high setting. On lowest, it may scrape in some turns and bumps.

There are only two possible causes:

  • the frame is bent. After front collision it usually bents down. It is very difficult to see that without the table.
  • wheel spindles are not original. Maybe someone mounted incompatible spindles from another chassis with different angle.

The year is 2017, ive just sat it on a table and its straight down the chassis?

the tyres aren’t on? You need to describe what you mean by scraping. We’re all assuming this is under driving conditions with tyres on.

Im showing the chassis on a table to show you that there is no bend in the front of the chassis

So you’re saying there is no space between the table and the tubes, indicating that it isn’t bent.

Can you show the spindle set up so we can see the ride height? And the bearing hangers too?

A kart will scrape slightly on the nose on bumps if there is rake in the ride heights.

Here you go :slight_smile:

This looks fine. The front hoop should sit just a touch higher than the main rails when sitting on a table. (How much depends on the manufacturer). The lowest point when on the ground with wheels on should be the area I highlighted in blue. It will be very close to the ground on purpose. Get some frame protectors and go. The frame protectors will certainly hit the ground alot when brand new but that is fine.

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Thanks for the advice!

But chassis Seem to have a lower frontend?

You’re going to have to do a video or something. I don’t see what the issue is.

There are chassis protectors for when your going over kerbs and stuff, but I am confused by exactly what the problem is.

I think it’s okay. It might be slightly lower, but nothing that I would be worried about. I would set the front ride height back to the middle and drive it. Even a brand new perfectly straight frame will touch the ground.

Buy some protectors and replace as needed. You can always have someone put it on a chassis table to make sure it’s perfect later.

Thanks, ive just checked the chassis again and the front and rear are in align with eachother, so the front and the rear are the same level. :slight_smile:

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I would add;

Your rear ride height looks to be in the middle setting. Your axle bearing may need to be turned around to be in the lowest position as the inner race may rub the bracket.

Your track may be bumpy…Do other karters experience the same issue in the same places?

Run chassis protectors. I like the stainless steel ones as they are much more durable, but they effectively lower your chassis even more so they will likely rub a lot when new.

You kinda need to describe your problem in detail. Show a video or something. nothing seems to be amiss.

Put the wheels back on and take a few pictures from further back so we can see the whole length of the kart.