CIK FIA and chassis age

I recently had a discussion with a fellow karter that has a chassis with a CIK FIA tag that ends in 14 (49/CH/14 to be specific). He was told the chassis is a 2019. My understanding of this certification tag is that the number at the end is the date the current certification expires and the manufacture has to recertify every so many years. Since this chassis has a 14 it would have to be older than 14 (although it might have been unused till 2019).

So, do I have this correct?

I think a little confusion.

It’s a 2014 chassis that’s homologated through to 2019. Homologation is valid for 5 years unless extended by FIA/CIK.

So I have it backwards? The year on the tag is the year homologation starts not the year it ends?

If that is true could it be any year between 2014 and 2019?

So I found another thread on this subject. If I understand correctly the last number is the end of the homologation, at least on chassis prior to 2019. Does anyone know that if a manufacture extends certification is that year to year or another 5 year period?

One some manufacturers as otk for example you are able to estimate the year by the parts which are eqipped

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