Coaching advice

So by an odd twist of fate, it has been arranged that Nick and I will be getting coaching tomorrow from a really good kart racer.
Never having used a coach before, any thoughts on what to try to accomplish? Or is it a “shut up and let him watch you drive and give feedback” sort of thing?

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I think the most important thing is to decide what your common goals are for your session(s). Take some time to figure out what you think your limiting factors might be when it comes to your driving performance. They might be higher level, or they might be very specific. But having those in the mind of both parties ahead of the track session is a good way to go.

Thanks. My weaknesses are legion. I can suggest that “I think my problem is X but I am open to work on whatever you observe is an issue”.

Also, don’t worry about lap times. On an afternoon coaching day, I find that typically we are breaking down bad habits and learning new ones, so although the lap times don’t always improve immediately, we are building a better foundation for future lessons.

Who is coaching you, if you don’t mind? If you don’t wanna say, that’s fine!

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Fella named Jared Burchette. John Bonanno set it up.

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State Championship at NJMP? I raced against Jared in the F-Series this year, and many times in juniors.

Yup. He’s racing sunday. I am doing Saturday practice.

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How did it go Dom? What were your top takeaways?

Translation for normal people (jk): Did you have fun?

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