Just purchased my first new kart and putting it together now. Looking for a base line setup for what I would call a lower traction track. Our club track does not build up a lot of rubber, is rough asphalt, and has several tight turns.
Looking for things like front / rear track width, ride height, camber/caster, etc. Coming from an older Margay, so expecting the setup to be totally different
The best and most common advice would be to set up the true CRG baseline, every thing stock. Turn laps, get comfortable with the kart, and start with one adjustment at a time. There are way too many variables in karting to give a baseline setup that will work. Temp, track temp, air density, which sock you put on first in the morning, the kart almost never handles EXACTLY the same each session. Learn what each adjustment does and take it session by session, and learn to predict how the kart will react as the day goes on, stay ahead of the track.
Neutral caster
2 boxes negative camber
Minimum Ackerman
1 box toe out
43% front weight
No bar
Narrow/medium front width
No extra seat supports
Narrow rear
Medium axle
Medium front and rear height
If you google it, there is a tuning guide for the 2-strokes, and it mostly applies to the FS4.
For low grip tracks, widen the front, add caster, and add the bar if you need better turn-in. Raise the rear if you get mid corner push.