Daytona kart week info please


we are considering participating at the Daytona Kart week this year.
Unfortunately there are not a lot of infos available and writing emails to wka was not successful.

Wondering if any of you is willing to share budget questions for the 206Lo junior and senior classes.
My son and I would like to drive down and we both would race.

Per person, what would you estimated w/o any travel/ accommodation?

  • WKA membership cost?
  • License cost?
  • Pit space/ parking our trailer cost. Are we allowed to sleep in our trailer?
  • Wrist band/ insurance cost
  • Practice fee
  • Race fee
  • Tires? I assume 1 set at 220$ per person, maybe another set rain tires at 220$ per person? Do they sell tires at the event? Or are they maybe included in the race cost?
  • Anything I forgot? We typically eat/ sleep/ live at the track and keep the cost down that way.

We would like to race at the end of December when schools are closed but the cost need to be ok.
I have heard Daytona Kart week is awesome.

Daytona KartWeek used to be such a cool race every year, nowadays it’s not worth even the gas to get down to the track. For 206 Junior and Senior, you would have a significantly better time driving to the CKNA WinterNationals instead. Last year it was the first weekend of January at Jacksonville, this year I’m assuming it’ll be a similar date and location.

If WKA wasn’t in charge of KartWeek I would say go for it, but the last 2-3 years of the event I’ve only heard horror stories about it.

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Likely our last 206 year and thinking of going before we move to bigger and faster and more expensive. :flushed:

Anyone else attended or have input?

Hate to put you on the spot. But….can you or someone else chime in with what needs to be improved?

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Oh man, I’ll touch on a few points.

No organization: Even without any on-track delays they would end up 2 hours behind schedule. The last 2 years it seemed they didn’t even know how to set a pre-grid, we would wait at least an extra 3 minutes every session just getting the karts put down or in the right order.

Inconsistent on-track calls: They black flagged a driver a couple years ago for a rear bumper that came loose, but then allowed a driver, I think in the same session, that lost their left side-pod to keep running and just said he had to be hand scored.

No black flags for lapped karts: For a series that charges National Level pricing for an event, they refuse to run it like one. They’ll allow lapped karts to keep going around on-track, affecting the outcome of multiple races, and last year that decision caused 2 or 3 red flags.

All this culimnates in an event that has 8 lap pre-finals, then has to cut the features down to 6 laps because of time since they can’t get their act together. There’s other issues, but these points seem to pop up every year and always cause the biggest headaches of the season.


Time has always been an issue at Daytona, not just in the last few years. Because it’s in December, the sun goes down at like 5pm, so you can’t get all the racing in. I’ve never been to a Kartweek where we weren’t shorted laps. Several times we’ve had to run Saturday’s finals on Sunday morning at like 7am because it got too dark on Saturday night because of delays. The organization of the event is just never smooth. Issues always pop up and it’s like the first time they’ve dealt with them, when it’s the same stuff every year.

Daytona is such a fun track and the event was great when they were drawing massive entries. I’d like to go visit again someday but WKA needs to get their act together and needs some entries again before I would consider it.

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Sven, we have gone down the past two years, ran 206 Jr. Going again this year in 206 Sr. Lets talk about this event in a few weeks at Route 66 at Badger. We have had a good time at this event, due to its location and timing of the year. We don’t remember being put off at the event and is why we enjoy the trek from Indiana.

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Did you end up going last year? If so, how was it? (CC: @fuchsroehre )