I want to make a diesel kart but i need to make a frame, I dont have tube/pipe benders but i have a welder grinder ect all the basic tools and a few misc items, any tips for frame building or extremly cheap frames that can take tourqe
You could look at a shifter chassis maybe. The problem is, where would you drive it? They won’t let it on track, most likely. What’s your idea, engine-wise?
I have my own property and a buddys property and permissions from farmers for in there fields
I would want somthing taller and off road capable and pretty cheap
Looks like you need a yard kart of some description. I can’t be much help there I’m afraid.
I wouldn’t worry about the torque number too much, in the scheme of things it’s not really a lot.
well i will have a turbo and some internal upgrades
If you are running it on dirt you have built-in slip that makes torque a non-issue (other than maybe the chain if too small).
Well i still need a frame building idea or a cheap frame i heard using a dolly earlier on somewhere else but idk
Have a gander at yard karts i general. It could be that for your application (off-roading) you might be able to just buy something appropriate.
If part of the fun would be the project of building it, sadly I am pretty clueless in that department.
Here’s a couple for sale on the web:
About 1000
The big boys look like 1500-5000
Choose your own adventure…
I think i will save up for the bottom one from go power sports
Diesel’s typically need a turbo or else you’ll have a Murtle the Turtle! It will climb any hill you choose, but it won’t go anywhere fast.
so, while im saving up a buddy is giving me his old murray track 2 mini bike looks like i will have a diesel bike for a bit