Driving analysis

red driver isnt fast driver but the blue one is ,they were put on the same kart (rotax senior)
both the drivers braked at similar point and observing the Lon_acc they are reach the braking pressure at similar point(arrow 1) but noticing the rpms the red spikes instantly after rolling for 6m(arrow2) but the blue drive rolls the kart and then spike is seen but not as much as the red by the end of the apex the red is loosing 2kmph…this is happening in all the tight corners…i am convinced that is more of the driving style that is causing this, what can be done to improve the red?

There seems to be a huge difference when looking at the noisiness of the rpm traces. Red’s RPM is very choppy at a few places and not just during hard cornering. Maybe Red is struggling to put the power down. Are the drivers the same size or could the CG be too forward for Red? Maybe Blue is just smoother with throttle application?

blue is a smooth driver and they are of the same size,but the blue driver rpms go way more down than the red but still maintains the speed and i am unable to understand the spikes

It would be helpful to see the time delta plot that was cut off, but it looks like their times are pretty close until the braking zone at the end of sector 6. Blue brakes later, harder, and more consistently.

The rpm dips are just partial lockup


You state the “same” kart but do you mean the same class or physically the same kart. A time difference plot would be useful to look at, as longitudinal acceleration are so low in a kart that it’s difficult to see differences.

Physically the same kart,blue driver drove it on old tyres and red on new , the time difference is around a .15 red is loosing in the tight corners… especially in those gap of rpms

Seems to me red is too ambitious on the throttle and braking earlier than the blue,

Look closer at 6-7 and 8-9 braking/acceleration. Can’t see much, but looks like a large MPH split at 6/7. Driver clearly braking early and back to power early. On this section of track it looks to be impacting rolling speed all the way through the corner entry/middle phase. You can see the gap in MPH on the trace. Can’t see 8/9, wondering if those segments are same?


Without the time difference plot, it’s all conjecture and guessing about which is better.

You can see red peeking up in the delta plot that was cropped (mostly) out. Red is slower.

Yes. I was curious to see where the time was gained and lost in each turn and also within the turns.

Towards the end of segment 6, red is significantly and consistently slower than blue. The spike in the delta plot follows right after this, so there’s your cause and effect.

Old vs new tires…? Then what is the point of comparison? Seriously…waste of time to even try and make sense unless the conditions, weight, equipment is EXACTLY the same.

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Just assume it’s the same tyre. @Dhanush_H_S told us it’s the same kart and engine. No need to get grumpy.

The kart was swapped between the drivers between the session so major differences

I will upload the delta ,but the red is slower expect the first corner

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