# Factory Karts Ripped Me Off!

I would like to share my horrible experience when having my 1986 Honda CR125 engine rebuilt from MRC - Musgrave Racing - Factory Karts. I was doing a complete restoration on a 1986 CR125. I paid to have the engine rebuilt completely including a new crank and cerakote ceramic paint. It took over a year to get my engine back. When I finally did, I brought it to my bike builder in central Florida (Yes, I shipped the engine to Cali. from Fla…) My guy called me and said he put coolant into the radiators and it was dripping from the head gasket, note* the engine has not even been started. The next morning he called and said that his bike lift/table has oil all over it. The oil he put into the case leaked out over night * again, engine has never even been started. He took off the water pump cover and it was full of scale, bolts that held on electronics were broken, a few of the engine seals were reused and in one case they put a new seal over the old one. It gets better. My guy took off the cylinder and found the crank was pinched, did not move! Willy Musgarve said he could not find a “new” crank so he was going to have it rebuilt. He said that he sent it to Pro Circuit and they sent it to a shop they use in Phoenix. NOTHING in this engine is correct and is full of dirt, grime and aluminum shavings. I will be happy to share detailed photos of the engine and parts, receipt for all work to be completed along with any text messages that were communicated if you contact me at MUSGRAVERACINGRIPPEDMEOFF@GMAIL. In the year they had my engine I spoke with Willy Musgrave and his son Billy Musgrave, infact when I sent Bill Musgrave the photos about a month ago he told me he would refund me even if he had to take it out of his own pocket. A week later I was turned over to manager Drew Bischoff. Mr. Bischoff told me twice that he would get back to me on a certain date and did not, either time. When I did speak to him he offered me a “deal” on a YZ 125 engine. This makes no sense. DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY. They have shown not to be honorable or even care about their customers. The only thing they seemed to do efficiently with no mistake was take my money over the phone.


This seems like a case of really unfortunate timing, which is not an excuse, but a bit of an explanation. My understanding is you caught Factory Karts right in the midst of a big transition. They moved from Cali to Arizona, changed ownership, etc…

I say this because I had a bad experience with a different karting manufacturer a while back while they were in the midst of a transition too. It doesnt excuse it, and its certainly frustrating, but it does explain it a bit.

I’d keep pushing the issue with Drew. Venting here is fine, but really they are the only ones that can make it right for you.


Hi David, thanks for the reply. I do understand what you are saying if the company I paid was closed, bankrupt ext… This is not the case. Factory Karts purchased Musgrave racing and still uses their name. When a company is purchased, they do it for profit and name / product recognition which again = profit. This is the American way and our right to profit but a company cannot pick and choose what they would like to do that day. Mr. Bischof tried to tell me that Factory Karts purchased only the assets of Musgrave Racing, NOT the liabilities. I have bought companies and have yet to pull that one off nor anyone that I know. This company took payment almost a year before I received my engine back and maybe part of the issue is that I was told I would have my engine back to me in 30 days. I’m a realist…lets call it 60 days… lets go even crazier…90 days, but a year?? They stated that they see where they received my payment, I also sent Billy Musgrave a photo of the receipt along with photos of the engine with scale, pinched crank, water running out of the head gasket ( my builder never started the engine, just put coolant in the rads, oil dripping from the case, old gasket reused and missing parts among much more (yes, I have photos of ALL of this). I appreciate you suggesting I speak with Mr. Bischof to get this resolved but the truth is that I already have. I did not yell, I did not curse, or even use any hostile or threatening words. I was a gentleman when I spoke to Mr. Musgrave and Mr. Bischof on probably 2-3 conversations each. I think it has gone beyond a money issue at this point ( around $1830.00 plus $150. for the missing parts the engine never came back with). When I get back in town next week I have given one of my employees a time allowance of 1.5 hours a week for the next 52 weeks for social media awareness concerning this issue ( yes, I know that this will cost me much more that the 2k they beat me out of and a year without my engine). These forums are for people like us to discuss where we purchase parts or spend our hard earned money on services. We have so many choices, this is not a good one.

 David, I'm understanding to issues that arise and even mistakes but this is just wrong. Everyone has good character when things go good. It's when things go sideways when you find out who's got what under the hood. Thank you.