First engine customer!

600 for a full rebuild seems too cheap. But I haven’t gotten one since 2019 I think. Still, that’s $122 an hour, for your troubles if it’s 3.5 hrs at 170 for parts.

In the case of a top end, what’s the cost to you and the time involved?

i edited the post abobe i answerd you there

Oh dear! I’d pick one that might alienate your potential lady clients less. I’m sorry I was immature.

Also, given your clientele in Sweden… go with something Swedish?

i mean it sound kinda messed up in swedish like any brand, Mikes machomotorer
or like everything supersvensk räcing

What’s Swedish for rocket?..

And here comes awa in his rocket engine?.. remember that?

NGL Supersvensk Racing is dope.

raket but there is an engine thats called rotax raket
and i think it could be misstaken

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I’d go with your Supersvenk Racing. That’s a good name and won’t potentially offend clients.

Inwas hoping we could alliterate Raket to Mike or awa but alas.

idk im kinda 80% swede and 20% polish since my mom is

and who excatly could i contact for tips about logistics… normal shipping is just not it… its to heavy for engines, carbs would mabywork with normal shipping

Like I said, Derek from ghost is a regular here.

whats his @ on kartpulse?

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That’s a very good question… maybe he deleted account.
Used to be @derek or @ghost I think.

Anyone else with a biz that can advise Mike on how to deal with logistics?

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yeah i tried searching him up but no luck

This guy:

We just ship complete engines via UPS, DHL, or FedEx here.

In cardboard boxes? And how does the client deliver to you?

@fatboy1dh help the man out

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I’m not that hard to find! Sent you a PM Mike!

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Yes you are. We all @ghost or @derek which doesn’t work anymore!

I don’t know how it works for you guys in smaller businesses but through work we have special pricing with FedEx/ups. I imagine there’s a better channel for a business than sending stuff retail.