Glenn Guest FIA World Karting Championship Campaign Thread

Will Glenn be able to run a camera on the kart?

Good luck! It’ll be a great experience in all events.

Let me know if you’d like for me to contact Dino Chiesa and ask for him to get in touch with you :slight_smile: We speak on the daily and i’m sure he’ll be happy to provide 2 engines at a reasonable prize for this once in a lifetime endeavor.

In Free Practice and WarmUps. Banned from qualifying onwards.

Bah. I presume the org provides coverage for this?

We have our scheduled streaming starting from Friday all the way to Sunday’s final free and available on almost all OTT platforms, as for all of our events :slight_smile:


Woot! Thanks for the response.

This would be a good one to have a crew follow Glenn along and do a proper video of the effort. But that takes money and Alan and a bunch of friends, I suppose.

I watched Glenn practicing at Stretton and I have to say that the kart seems lovely. It’s very quick, makes nice noises, and seems like a beast. I’m not sure why @Alan_Dove says the new engine doiesnt sound great… I rather liked it. I am not familiar with the top race engines though. My point is it sounds pretty good to the untrained ear.

The paddock is available to everyone my friend !

Wow yes please Simone! I have been unable to get in contact directly so that would be amazing!

I got you buddy. Give me a couple of days and I’ll revert.

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Got out and did some more testing last Saturday and managed to film some stuff this time!


I am jelly of your sprinter van. Also, as a foreign person, PFI seems like the Newcastle of the UK. Bucket list for me. Jeez this footage makes me miss kartkraft. Your line/driving brings back memories.

Since you have many laps there perhaps you’d know. Irl do you guys get kart across this nose? Right side in green? In sim you’d get a nice exit clipping that but it looks like the race dir minimizes this with that green block.


In sim you’d do the opposite with the kerb to left edge as you come down, to get the width to huck It across the nose.

This can result in sim flips into the wall so I’m guessing irl is more careful.

It’s actually a Luton van so has a tail lift which is a bit of a luxury for getting equipment in and out.

I’m glad! It is actually quite an aggressive kerb which unsettles the kart a lot in the dry. We do hit it in the wet as the other side has a lot more grip.