High Performance Four Stoke Kart Engines

“The vote on the karting was quite funny because what’s unfortunately happened with karting is that the FIA has largely lost control of it because its not been well managed. We had a working group trying to come up with measures to get it back under control and have both two and four-stroke engines inside the FIA. When it came to the vote larger numbers of the World Council didn’t want to do that, they wanted to stay with the existing structure, which is fine.”

Max Mosely complaining about a lack of good management and thinking a R&D war with 4-strokes was a good idea :upside_down_face::rofl:

Narrowly avoided a “leopards ate my face” situation there I think.

True. It looks like they were all around a 1.5:1 ratio. No compression ratios listed, but I’m guessing these would require high octane fuel which is fine. Running pump gas in the Rotax is a tad easier on the wallet and super convenient.

Not that it’s a real headache, but just running straight fuel and not running premix would be nice. Although the extra 2T premix smoke can be an actual headache

Do you have photos or a spec list?

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Wow looks nice. Some serious R&D and spooling up tooling for nothing :neutral_face:

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How fun would it be to strap one of those bad boys to a Mini-Bike? :muscle: :rofl:

While they aren’t four strokes, I’ve seen TaG and KT’s on mini bikes and scooters.

I remember seeing a Rok Shifter in a scooter or motorcycle


That would be a fun time!

In the Netherlands we have the ID-Shifter class

41 HP
250 CC
10.500 RPM


Bilands have their own healthy-ish series in Germany, and are still available. There is an updated version.

The Suter Vampire is still available also, I think.

I have seen a Swiss Auto 250 on dirt in the Unlimited Allstars oval series, and it was pretty stout. The driver was too, so it suffered on power-to-weight, but it was a great engine for its’ size.

Really, it’s hard to beat the STOCK 450s. Once you start modding them, they blow up and cost lots.

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Two stroke diesels… that’s a blast from the past! My grandparents lived next to a main road a few houses from a traffic light. The “screaming Jimmys” as you call them used to buzz every window on that side of the house going through the gears. :loudspeaker: :articulated_lorry:

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I saw one of these a while ago in Mariembourg, really nice engine