Monetize, advertisers, making money, etc…
I’m getting these ugly words out of the way, but it is the topic of this thread.
I have my own karting site,, and the focus is promoting karting and karting events, or a promoters promoter. (Go check it out and report here how it needs improvement from your view point)
As with some other karting sites, many of us are pulling money out of our families budget to support a hobby or a passion, for what we believe is for the greater good.
In order to take my site to the next level
, I need to start generating its own revenue.
Why am I sharing this with you?
Because you are engaged in an online karting community. My vision for my site is to bring karting to new people with a regional focus on NorCal.
For you, what is the breaking point of advertising saturation?
YouTube 30 second ads. I know you’ve seen them recently explode on that service.
Banner ad pages that induce seizures before you can find the content. Think Idiocracy.
Podcast ad right in the middle of a great segment.
Next, would and how would you want to support another karting site, as a viewer, subscriber, or contributor?
Ideas that you would suggest to raise the funds to grow the site and services, while still consuming and enjoying the content it provides.
I’m looking for straight forward and honest feedback. After all, the idea is to promote karting to grow the numbers at the local levels. Take a few minutes to visit my site,, come back to this thread and share 1 thing you liked, and 2 things that need improvement.
Feel free to ask questions as well.