How do i get started in karting in Romania

Where are you located?

I am in suceava (Romania), but im willing to travel in Romania.

What age bracket are you in? Junior (<16), Senior (16+) or Masters (30+)

Junior right now, but in march im gonna be 16.

On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your mechanical ability, or willingness to wrench on things?

8 i have watched countless videos of building a go kart from scratch and i believe to have a quite a bit of knowledge about that, but i cannot manage to find a budget chassis for me to buy and build one myself (my budget is around 200€). I feel like after i actually buy or make a kart i will gain a lot more knowledge.

Talk a little about your racing experience so far.

I have went to my local kart track (theres only one remotely close to me) and i loved it, i have went there twice and did 2, 12 minute sessions each time. It was the most fun i’ve ever had and I instantly fell in love with the sport. I was told my lap time was great and i always won first place in the sesh, i was the 4th fastest for the entire month the last time i went.

What’s the main thing you need help with to get you started.

i want to know how i get into competitions and races and buying a kart, I asked my local kart track and they said they dont do them. I also want to buy my own kart so that i dont have to rent one and spend so much money, i am on a budget and i want to buy a 2nd hand as cheap as possible. As i understand you need a lot of money to get into this sport which i do not have, but even so i just want to buy a kart and go as much as i can at my local track even if they do not have races i can just get better and better then eventually move to the UK and go from there.

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Hey Stefan

Firstly, it’s very doubtful you’ll ever find a kart under €200 - you may be able to find a decent one under €2000.

Romania has a few tracks - I was thinking maybe start running SWS races (senior you can start at 14 in the year during which you will turn 15). SWS runs Jan-Dec - but N Serbia is the closest track I think that runs SWS sadly that’s probably too far.

Does Vmax do any league racing?


I don’t know the market in Europe but yeah, a 200 Euro budget isn’t going to be enough to buy something usable. For your current situation it seems like rental racing might be the best way forward for now until you can save up the money necessary to buy a decent used kart.


starting with rentals and buying the book { learn how to master the art of kart driving} from terence Dove is your cheap fuel to keep your dream alive .

for a 200 euro budget the only think i can do in europe is to find a straight chassis roller kart somewhere 2005 to 2010 model and start rebuilding it by your self , bit to bit as time goes by … if you know how to use tools and having a smal place to work on your kart its not gonna me easy or quick happened , but its doable .

Keep your head up . cheers from greece mate .

Romania seems to have a lot of kart tracks and also rental racing:

Rental kart racing (leagues) are a great way to learn how to kart and how to race, and it’s generally affordable compared to regular race karts.