How to properly strap a kart on a flat trailer

Hi everybody,

Recently I broke down my bearings supports on my chassis, no cracks before, no crash, no hard racing so I’m wondering if my trailer setup is not a fault there.

Right now, I’m strapping over the tires without any support below the frame.
I’ve checked on the forum and many of you are transporting their karting on flat trailers, but I see a lot of different strapping methods. Which one is safer in your opinion, around specific places on the frame, around tires, combination of both?


Strapping the tires is absolutely the “safest” way if you’re concerned about loading the chassis unnecessarily. On the flip side you’re potentially flatspotting your tires.

I don’t have any empirical data to support either of these claims, but I do try to strap by wheels as much as possible.

I also strap by the wheels if I’m not transporting on a stand. I do put “practice tires” on to transport so I dont flat spot newer tires.

Thanks! I’ll stick to that method