Every time I’ve set my right rear wheel hub on the axle, and clamped it as tight as i could, it backs off and track and creeps back inside. i lose about 10mm of rear track width on track. Do I need to loctite the hub screw? or clean the axle?
Clean the axle and then use axle spacers.
Is the bolt backing out, or the hub is just sliding?
The bolt doesn’t seem to be backing out, it might have a couple in/lbs less breakaway force than I put it on with. I’m going to try to clean it before resorting to $45 spacers, but I may have to bite the bullet. Or see if I can have them machined.
Definitely start with cleaning with some acetone. Any grease on there is your enemy.
This might be my issue, I do have a habit of not wiping off my WD40, and there seems to be some grime on the axle where the hub rests.
Use brake cleaner on the axle and inside of hub. Sprankle with baby powder. Keep wd40 away from your axle.
There are cheaper plastic versions too. I have about a million axle spacers in my tool box.
Surface contact area is what prevents the hub from moving on the axel, high spots will reduce contact area. Buy a “50 mm” ball hone and clean up the bore of the hub. Remove any high spots on the axle and clean any oil or grease off hub ID and axel. Always use a good SHCS on the hub.
My go to is silver anti seize on the pinch bolt. It allows an accurate torque and thus the needed clamping force. 90% of the time this does the trick for me.
I use sidewalk chalk on the axle. That seems to help!!
I’ve also heard baby powder on the axle keeps the hub from chaffing material on the axle.
We install a crubscrew in the hub that goes down on the key, this keeps it in place, a lot of the hubs today is supplied this way.
An alternative is the rings.
But make sure the hub and axle is cleaned for any oil and grease.
It prevents hub rash!
This is a really good idea Justin, I might still this from you.
With 3 kids–we have a lot laying around!! And I got this tip from one of the other cadet parents around!
When I clean up my garage next time and pick up all the kids’ chalk that’s laying everywhere, I’ll throw a piece in my tool box.
If your kids are like mine, there is probably already a piece hiding in there that they “saved just for you, daddy”
I like to use the 2 piece clamp to keep hubs from sliding and also act as a gauge. its also handy to cut axles too.
I have been using a piece of chalk for the last 2 years. Its cheap and it works great.