Iame Leopard 125 starter support

Hi guys. Does anyone have this part in their garage or have such an engine with this part? I would need a scan (from xero) and dimensions to be able to make this starter support. I can’t buy it in my country. Thanks for the help

From what I’ve torn apart from IAME Leopard, that part is not really that critical, but again, I’ve never run the engine on a kart without it (with all the vibration).

Yours is missing I assume? What country are you in? :flushed:

Previous user had to lose it. I bought a gokart without this part. Im from Poland. If I had a drawing and basic dimensions, I try make it.

The part you want is advertised at www.keep-racing.de 27.2 Euro plus shipping.
Good luck if you make your own. I am sure you can work out where the holes need to be with the starter and engine there.
