IPK North American importer

Does North America have an importer for IPK products anymore?

Here u go

Check out Mondo Kart, too. They are Italian, but they ship freakishly fast. I think I got an IPK axle in like a week last year. Prices tend to be pretty good, just make sure to keep an eye on the currency

AMP was acting IPK importer for awhile weren’t they?? Kartsport also still has some inventory as does Greg Bell I believe.

correct but there has been a whole reshuffling during and post-pandemic, with the Ansa guys in the mix and what happened after. I don’t know the whole story, but both Karsport and Bell have been depleting their inventories for a while now, not sure if they are still carrying much of anything at this point

Forgot about Ansa too - yikes!

A shame really because they had the product and foundation to challenge the big three here at one point. Just exceptionally poor decision making at the top squandered any early progress. Thought the alignment with KartSport was the ticket though - no one better to be aligned with.

I just got an IPK floor pan and steering column from KartSport in the last month, so they still have product to sell

Nice! Kartsport has always been great, pre/post sale customer support is among the best