Or you could just use a set of MCP’s plenty of modulation - Less bite
Anybody have experience with braking in a DR or Crg kart? I havent driven anything else so I dont have a grasp on brake pressure. Also, in a 4t you want to brake hard and than slowly release till you get to turn in? is that the right technique?
dont mind the numbers or axis, but for me thats what I try to do for pressure over time
Elias can you clarify what a 4t is? Curious
Oh it’s a 4 stroke. Just a shorter way of saying it. 2t is 2 stroke
"Also, in a 4t you want to brake hard and than slowly release till you get to turn in? "
I don’t personally notice a difference in braking technique in rentals as opposed to two stroke. The style of driving seems to lend itself to more brushing of the brake as opposed to stomping, but I do brake hard when it’s appropriate.
Slow vs a Fast brake release doesn’t seem to relate to engine power either. Depends on how you want the rear to bite.