Karting Fitness

You need to package this stuff in pills and use them to start a new diet fad, so you can collect fat stacks to pay for an LMP2 ride with ‘Dave’s not here’ motorsports. :wink: :+1:

Hey that’s not a bad idea. Too bad I’m not an entrepreneur.

Maybe one of the actual entrepreneurs here can do that and hire me as the brand evangelist and I’ll go ham. I’m cheap.

I would also consider erectile dysfunction drug sponsors, but I draw the line at gambling and Bitcoin. I have morals.

As an aside, the bi-weekly suoercharged stuff, supercharged my metabolism. I dropped 5 pounds and have a noticeable spring in my step. But it’s over!

Yeah… I don’t have to worry about keeping weight on (I kinda watch what I eat, especially in the karting off-season) but I’m just happy that at my advanced age I’m still on speaking terms with my belt buckle… and it’s a belt I’ve had for years. :upside_down_face:

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Delta-9 makes me eat about 1000 cal of chocolate chip cookies.

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Well you’ll need less lead.

We may or may not be talking about the same thing but…

This is one of the funnier things that has happened. So in an attempt to further restrict weed legally the idiots behind the bill didn’t notice the wording the other side used or something… and accidentally legalized marijuana.

There’s two states to thc: if the terpenes have been exposed to something like 250 degrees it becomes psychoactive. If it hasn’t been de-carbed, it’s not.

I believe what happens is they legalized the inactivated form while confirming that the activated form is still illegal. So, weed flower, doesn’t get you high unless you decarb or set it in fire and inhale. So that’s legal, technically.

So all of a sudden there’s all sorts of legal weed in some very conservative states.

I may have the story not quite right, but that’s the gist of it.

So, your delta 9 may be actual weed.

Also, they accidentally made edibles legal. In a nod to business the farm act of 2018 legalized hemp (which is just male weed). This somehow resulted in a bunch of not very smart politicians to allow up to 5mg of the psychoactive stuff in edibles recently not understanding that 5MG of pure THC is actually a dose that fits nicely in a gummy bear and gets folks high.

It is legal, I literally buy my edibles online and have them mailed. Farm Bill loophole.

The whole thing is nuts. My nicotine vapes are illegal. Yet I buy them in a retail store in NJ. But weed is legal.

My guess is they just said “eff it” and aren’t enforcing anything anymore

This is…not my experience :joy:

Sometimes I totally forget that people are still having to deal with all this still. Perks of living on the West Coast I guess haha. :person_shrugging:

A hot take:


Ok so in a perfect world ideal health is maintained by daily karting and smoking weed.

I have gained 10-15 pounds in the last few months… I attribute it to my late night wind down with cookies and video games :sweat_smile:

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If you get fat then you’ll have an excuse to force yourself to race karts more.

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I’ve been trying to gain weight all my life so I was pretty stoked to put some lbs on and take 12 lbs off my kart last time out.

OK, am I the only one who’s getting pissed off here? :rofl:

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I’m not fat, I’m just big-boned!