For the month of September, KartPulse is going to donate profits from the KartPulse Store to Randy’s gofundme as our way of helping out. We’re also going to match the total amount raised at the end of the month.
Recently, Randy Word (of Word racing) was involved in a pretty nasty crash and sustained some bad injuries.
Randy is currently home, healing multiple fractures on eight ribs, pneumothorax, regrowing skin in the places he’s missing it, and allowing the massive swelling and numbness in his hip and back to recede. Despite the seriousness of his injuries and the long healing time anticipated by the doctors, Randy is upbeat and looking forward to being active again.
Due to a lapse in medical insurance, he’s left footing a hefty bill for medical care including transport, ICU etc.
We’ve done a couple of updates to the store and product line too, so grab something from the store and we’ll donate the profits to Randy’s campaign at the end of the month.
If you’d prefer to donate direct to the gofundme campaign, here’s the link:
My Condolences to Randy Word and his family. I am moved by the post and will purchase some things from the store to help out with his medical expenses. Scout The Silver Fox